

Call for Submissions: Assaad Khairallah Award in Social Sciences

Assaad Khairallah Award in Social Sciences
Annual competition for a $ 1,000 Paper Award
The Dr. Assaad Khairallah Endowed Award in Social Sciences will award $1,000 for the best student paper (2,000 - 5,000 words) written in Arabic that engages with knowledge produced in the Arab region as well as the disciplines of Sociology/Anthropology at large.
Eligible candidates are undergraduate students pursuing a Sociology/Anthropology BA or graduate students in Sociology at the Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Media Studies at the American University of Beirut (AUB).
This year, the competition is open to papers written in Arabic and English. However, the awarded paper should be translated by the author into Arabic.
Submissions should be sent to Maysaa Kobrosly (mk123@aub.edu.lb) and cc the SOAM Chair (sh41@aub.edu.lb) by no later than April 15, 2017.
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